Study expectations

A levels are taught over two years with usually three exams per subject at the end of the course. This means that you need to consolidate your learning as you go along. There will be a significant amount of content as well as concepts and terminology to become confident with. Successful A level students spend up to an additional fifteen hours a week studying outside lessons. And that’s not just on homework. We will support you and give you strategies to develop into a confident and effective independent learner.


All ‘free’ periods on your timetable are study periods. You are expected to use them to enhance and consolidate your learning. You will be given guidance on how best to use them.


Professional Development  on Monday mornings will often cover your study skills. Topics covered include Note Taking, Time Management, Organisation Skills, Prioritisation, Revision and Learning Strategies. Those of you studying the EPQ will have these skills embedded into your course.


You must sign in /out using your full name, date and time whenever you leave or return to the school site. The signing out book is on the table just outside the LRC. This is a health and safety requirement essential for checking your whereabouts in the event of a fire. Please also sign in and out during study leave and exam periods as we have no other means of knowing who is on site.


You will need folders, dividers, A4 file paper, revision cards, pens, pencils, a memory stick, clear plastic wallets, highlighters and a bag for all this stuff. Your individual subjects may well also have text books that you need to buy, so read the preparatory material carefully and get yourself organised. 


You have access to computers in the LRC and Library. You are also very welcome to bring in your laptop or tablet; there are electrical sockets in the LRC to which you have access to charge your devices. There is Wi-Fi throughout the Sixth Form and Library. Printing is free to support your studies however please be mindful of the environment, for example double- sided printing where possible.