
Safeguarding is everyone’s business: it’s up to all of us to keep children safe

All adults who work with our students take account of safeguarding and promote the welfare of children and young people. Our aim is to create a safe environment for young people and the adults who work with them.

This is achieved by:

  • Ensuring Criminal Records Bureau checks are carried out on all who regularly deal directly with students or have access to their personal information
  • Developing recruitment practice in line with guidance on safer recruitment practices.
  • Working to promote a safe culture where there is a common understanding of risk management and judgement in relation to safeguarding.
  • Ensuring allegations are dealt with quickly, fairly and with transparency and staff operate safe practice that does not leave them open to misunderstanding or malicious allegations.
  • Giving staff guidance and training to enable them to recognise concerns about children and take responsibility for acting quickly on those concerns.  All staff complete the Educare module 'Child Protection Awareness in Education' under the auspices of the NSPCC as part of the induction process and on a three-year rotation.  The Senior Leadership Team and many governors have also completed the on-line Educare module in 'safer recruitment' and one person with the training is always on every interviewing panel. Heads of Year are offered training in a wide range of pastoral, social and health issues.
  •  Communicating child protection procedures to all staff, parents and visitors.
  •  Every individual signs an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) before using the school network and abides by the conditions within.

We would ask that should you hear, see or read anything which troubles you about a child, do not ignore it, but report your concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Leads for Farmor’s School:

  • Noelle Sturla (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Sarah Morgan (Deputy DSL - KS5)
  • Sarah Dawson (Deputy DSL - KS4)
  • Laura Hubbard-Miles (Deputy DSL - KS3)