Design & Technology: 3D Design



Staff Contact: Ms Mindy Smith:

Course Content:

This course is a creative and thought provoking qualification;Three-Dimensional Design is distinguishable by the emphasis placed upon functional and utilitarian considerations. It covers a particularly wide range of activities ranging in scale from jewellery and body adornment to architectural and product or furniture design, which may also include single items of furniture that are concerned with functionality and manual skills as well as aesthetic qualities.


40% Externally set assignment (Part 1: Preparatory study period · The externally set assignment materials are to be released to learners from 1 February (in the second year of the course) and will consist of a series of visual and written stimuli, which are to be presented to the learner at the start of the preparatory study period. · One of the stimuli is to be selected by the learner and used as a starting point from which to elicit a personal response. · Responses are developed during the preparatory study period. They should take the form of critical, practical and theoretical preparatory work/supporting studies which inform the resolution of ideas in the 15 hours sustained focus study.

60% Design and Make personal project, including an extended written element to support the personal study (consists of two integrated constituent parts: 1. a major in-depth critical, practical and theoretical investigative project/portfolio and outcome/s based on themes and subject matter that have personal significance; 2. an extended written element, which may contain images and texts and must clearly relate to practical and theoretical work using an appropriate working vocabulary and specialist terminology. )

Exam Board EDUQUAS

Results 2022

A*-B 53% | A*-E 100%

Entry requirements:

Sixth Form entry criteria plus a minimum GCSE grade 5 in a design related subject such as Resistant Materials, Graphic Design, Product Design, Fine Art, Textiles or Photography. 

Career Opportunities:

Product Design



Degrees in design related courses 

Furtniture Design



Industry Links and Work Experience & Trips

Students are encouraged to build relationships with live clients, business and current subject related issues.


Very pleased with the level of commitment the teachers put in to help the students. A huge thank you for all you do!

Parental Exit Survey


Student profile

Tabitha Roberts

Previous School Kingshill

Studying Product Design, Psychology, Business and EPQ

Ambition to study Product Design at University