KS3 Curriculum

Our intention is for students to study the same broad and balanced curriculum up to the end of Year 9, which is a three-year KS3 curriculum. The National Curriculum is the basis for the curriculum in each subject area, with subjects then choosing to supplement this with content that they feel is both relevant and useful.

We believe that the entire educational experience is valuable to students in preparing them for their future lives. We aim to give students powerful knowledge through the curriculum and transformational experiences through their participation in educational visits, clubs and other co-curricular opportunities. Our values – Integrity, Fellowship & Endeavour – underpin our approach to curriculum.

Most subjects are taught in mixed ability groups throughout KS3, which means that students are taught the same curriculum. In subjects which are set, students will still experience the same curriculum, but at a pace which is appropriate for them to secure a good level of understanding. Mathematics is set broadly from year 7 onwards, PE is also streamed broadly from year 7 and Science is streamed in year 9. Students may express a language choice preference before arriving in year 7. Students will study this language through until the end of year 9.

The diagram below sets out how we schedule the KS3 curriculum. The school follows a two-week timetable cycle which is split up into 48 periods. Each period is 60 minutes, with a further 2 periods of 30 minutes for the delivery of the PSHCE programme. The number below each subject in the diagram indicates the number of 60 minute periods allocated to that subject over the two-week cycle. PSHCE is shown as one 60 minute period over the two weeks, but is delivered as one 30 minute period each week.

The KS3 curriculum is compulsory for all students.

Curriculum Head: Emma White (Deputy Head)

Contact: ewhite@farmors.gloucs.sch.uk