Exam information

It is the aim of Farmor’s School to make the examination experience as stress-free and successful as possible for all candidates. If students or parents have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the exams please contact:

  • The Examinations Officer - Mrs Mundy
  • The Examinations Assisant - Mrs Blackmore

The Exams Office is located in the Sixth Form Learning Resource Centre. The office also has an external door overlooking the sports field.

email: rmundy@farmors.gloucs.sch.uk
telephone number: 01285 712302 Extension 113

Please DO NOT telephone exam boards directly; they will only refer you back to the school.

Remember- we are here to help. 

Exam FAQs

Examination Regulations

The awarding bodies (exam boards) have strict rules which must be followed for the conduct of exams and Farmor’s school is required to follow them precisely.  Students should therefore pay particular attention to the following documentation produced by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and updated annually:

Examination Boards

Useful websites you can refer to for hints and tips, past exam papers, results explanations, timetables, key dates etc, are:

Specifications and Exam Boards in use:

Please follow these links to find the specfication codes and Exam Boards our students are following.


Examination Timetables Summer 2024

Hard copies of exam timetables are displayed on the Exams noticeboard near main reception and also in the Learning Resource Centre.  Students will receive their personal examination timetable before the Easter holidays which will take into account any clash examinations students have. Summer 2024 timetables are in the window of 7th May 2024 - 21st June 2024.  Students must be available up to and including 26th June which is the contingency date set by the Exam Boards. Results days will be on 15 August 2024 for AS/A-levels and 22 August for GCSEs.   

Year 11 Study Programme

Advice and guidance on how to cope with pressure