Progress score N/A Attainment (average points) 35.1 Average grade B -
5+ in Maths & English 54%
Points 50.46
-0.18 (National average: -0.41 to +0.05)
EBacc average points 4.11
The table above provides information relating to the Government’s headline measures for GCSE results. The national performance tables provide further information. Notes The Basics measure indicates the proportion of students achieving a 'strong pass' grade (5) in both English and Maths. The Attainment 8 score is calculated by attributing a point score to each GCSE grade and adding the best 8 GCSE grades a student achieves together. The Progress 8 score indicates whether students achieved more or less, on average, than the grades they were expected to achieve given their prior attainment (i.e. Year 6 SATS results). A score of +0.5 would indicate students, on average, achieve half a grade above expectation. The EBacc average points (English Baccalaureate) measure shows the average grade achieved in English, Maths, Science, either Geography or History and a foreign language. Students must take this combination of subjects to be included in the measure. Farmor’s School offer a free choice of subjects at GCSE and do not require students to take Geography, History or a foreign language as we believe that this is not suitable for all students.
Performance tables
A Level exam results