Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Subject Head: Karen Brathwaite



PSHE education at Farmor’s helps students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.

It covers a wide range of topics and allows them to discuss strategies to support them in making responsible decisions in life which range from alcohol to succeeding in their first job, PSHE education helps students to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges, and responsibilities they will face growing up.

Students are taught the PSHE curriculum in key stage 3 and 4 using a spiral approach so that they can build and develop their knowledge and understanding in an age appropriate way.

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
  Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
  Health & wellbeing Living in the wider world Relationships Health & wellbeing Relationships Living in the wider world
Year 7 Transition and safety Diversity Developing skills and aspirations Health and puberty Building relationships Financial decision making
  Transition to secondary school and personal safety in and outside school, including first aid Diversity, prejudice, and bullying Careers, teamwork and enterprise skills, and raising aspirations Healthy routines, influences on health, puberty, unwanted contact, and FGM Self-worth, romance and friendships (including online) and relationship boundaries Saving, borrowing, budgeting and making financial choices
Year 8 Drugs and alcohol Community and careers Discrimination ** Emotional wellbeing Identity and relationships ** Digital literacy
  Alcohol and drug misuse and pressures relating to drug use Equality of opportunity in careers and life choices, and different types and patterns of work Discrimination in all its forms, including: racism, religious discrimination, disability, discrimination, sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia Mental health and emotional wellbeing, including body image and coping strategies Gender identity, sexual orientation, consent, ‘sexting’, and an introduction to contraception Online safety, digital literacy, media reliability, and gambling hooks
Year 9 Peer influence, substance use and gangs Setting goals Respectful relationships Healthy lifestyle Intimate relationships ** Employability skills
  Healthy and unhealthy friendships, assertiveness, substance misuse, and gang exploitation Learning strengths, career options and goal setting as part of the GCSE options process Families and parenting, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, and relationship changes Diet, exercise, lifestyle balance and healthy choices, and first aid Relationships and sex education including consent, contraception, the risks of STIs, and attitudes to pornography Employability and online presence
Year 10 Mental health Financial decision making Exploring influence Families Addressing extremism and radicalisation Work experience
  Mental health and ill health, stigma, safeguarding health, including during periods of transition or change The impact of financial decisions, debt, gambling and the impact of advertising on financial choices The influence and impact of drugs, gangs, role models and the media Different families and parental responsibilities, pregnancy, marriage and forced marriage and changing relationships Communities, belonging and challenging extremism Preparation for and evaluation of work experience and readiness for work
Year 11 Building for the future Next steps Communication in relationships ** Independence Healthy relationships **  
  Self-efficacy, stress management, and future opportunities Application processes, and skills for further education, employment and career progression Personal values, assertive communication (including in relation to contraception and sexual health), relationship challenges and abuse Responsible health choices, and safety in independent contexts Relationships and sex expectations, myths, pleasure and challenges, including the impact of the media and pornography  

The curriculum for RSE is set out by government Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education - GOV.UK ( and can be accessed using the link.  At the beginning of each academic year the content of the curriculum will be reviewed in line with the government requirements and adapted.  There are no fixed timings of when the topics need to be taught throughout the year because there are many factors which need to be considered when delivering sensitive topics.  I work closely with the Heads of Year and tutors to determine the needs of the students each term which means that sometimes topics may be taught in a different order.  For example, COVID made it very difficult to teach some of these more sensitive topics such as ‘substance misuse’ in Year 8 and therefore it was moved to term 5.  **in these lessons, the students will be taught Sex Education (defined in our policy as ‘learning about the physical, social, legal and emotional aspects of human sexuality and behaviour, including human reproduction. This includes conception and contraception, safer sex, sexually transmitted infections and sexual health’). 

The above information is intended to give parents an overview of the key themes that will be delivered in each year group.    

Should you require more detail about the taught content, please contact


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Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy