All students are entitled to a high quality education. However, this is particularly important for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Such students often do not need something different to other students, but they will benefit all the more from expert teaching, enriching experiences and support. The success of our school improvement efforts is evident in the impact it has on the most disadvantaged students.
Allocation to schools
For mainstream schools, special schools and pupil referral units, Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) will allocate PPG to local authorities the following amounts:
£1,050 per pupil for each Ever 6 FSM FTE and each eligible NRPF FTE pupil, in year groups 7 to 11, except where the pupil is allocated the LAC or post-LAC premium
£2,570 per pupil for each Looked-after child (LAC) or Previously Looked-after child (PLAC) in year groups reception to year 11
£340 for each pupil aged 4 and over in year groups reception to year 11 who is either Ever 6 service child FTE or in receipt of pensions under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and the War Pensions Scheme (WPS)
The grant may be spent in the following ways:
How Service pupil premium differs from the pupil premium
The SPP is there for schools to provide mainly pastoral support for service children, whereas the pupil premium (PP) was introduced to raise attainment and accelerate progress within disadvantaged groups.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Learn more about how we aim to improve progress for pupil premium students.