Friends of Farmor's School (FoFS) is a group of parents, carers and school staff who volunteer together to raise funds for ‘extras’ for our pupils. As a charitable organisation we support our school through a variety of fund-raising activities during the course of the year aiming to run events that appeal to all members of our school community. All proceeds are donated to our school to help support areas where extra funds are needed to enhance our student’s experience and opportunity.
If you would like to join the FoFs team, find out more about what we do, or put forward a fundraising idea, please email Lou Kimber and Amanda Haines Vice Chairs at
You can find us on Facebook:
To raise easy money when you shop online, that doesn't cost you anything, use easy fundraising: Easy Fundraising or The Giving Machine. Or if you shop using Amazon use Amazon Smile. For more information on how this works click on the bottom blue box to the right hand side of this page
December 2019: The Christmas Raffle raised enough funds to pay for a minibus lease for another year.
December 2019: Quiz night to raise funds for Student Atlases in the Geography Department.
October 2019: New Year 7 disco and parents meet & greet evening to raise funds for Science Equipment.
June 2019: Quiz night to raise funds for equipment for the Photography department.
Easy fundraising that doesn't cost you a penny!