Students at Farmor’s School recognise the importance of following instructions, developing skills and working independently. They value the excellent teaching that comes when a classroom environment is calm and purposeful.
To maintain an effective working atmosphere, teachers operate 'a three strikes policy'. Following a 2nd warning, students will be required to spend 10 minutes of their lunch with their head of year. Should students not respond to a teacher’s instruction after two warnings, they will be removed to the pastoral centre. Students removed from lessons will sit a one hour, after school detention. A discussion of the poor behaviour with the student will be held with the teacher, to repair and restore the expectations before their next lesson together.
There is a hierarchy of sanctions for poor behaviour including: department or school detentions (lunchtimes); Tuesday or Thursday after school detentions; isolation from peer group; fixed term exclusion; and finally permanent exclusion. A failure to serve a sanction without good reason, will usually result in a higher sanction.
The pastoral team also follows a hierarchy of interventions for repeated poor behaviour:
Our Behaviour Policy is available via our Policies page.
Behaviour Support Plan
Pastoral Support Plan