
Students at Farmor’s School recognise the importance of following instructions, developing skills and working independently.  They value the excellent teaching that comes when a classroom environment is calm and purposeful.

To maintain an effective working atmosphere, teachers operate 'a three strikes policy'. Following a 2nd warning, students will be required to spend 10 minutes of their lunch with their head of year. Should students not respond to a teacher’s instruction after two warnings, they will be removed to the pastoral centre. Students removed from lessons will sit a one hour, after school detention.  A discussion of the poor behaviour with the student will be held with the teacher, to repair and restore the expectations before their next lesson together.

There is a hierarchy of sanctions for poor behaviour including: department or school detentions (lunchtimes); Tuesday or Thursday after school detentions; isolation from peer group; fixed term exclusion; and finally permanent exclusion. A failure to serve a sanction without good reason, will usually result in a higher sanction.

The pastoral team also follows a hierarchy of interventions for repeated poor behaviour:

  • Students can be placed on fortnightly 'report' by their Head of Year to monitor behaviour in all lessons. Students can also be on 'report' for persistent lateness, lack of uniform, equipment, homework or other academic 'defiance'.  Heads of Department may also place a student on an individual 'subject report' to improve behaviour or homework.
  • A Behaviour Support Plan (BSP) is enacted for students who have failed to show improvements in their behaviour from earlier interventions. This involves parents and regular meetings with the Head of Year. The Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral) may also be involved. Subject teachers and tutors will give regular updates on progress towards specific targets. 
  • The Pastoral Support Plan (PSP) is designed by GCC to support students at risk of permanent exclusion. The PSP co-ordinates support from external agencies and relevant school personnel. The Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion) will usually run this, with the Head of Year, parent(s), and student in attendance.





Our Behaviour Policy is available via our Policies page.

Behaviour Support Plan

Pastoral Support Plan