Good attendance at school is important for academic progress, social interaction with peers and the opportunity to participate in clubs and try new activities. At Farmor's we have a clear expectation that students should aim for 100% attendance every year.
We recognise, however, that illness happens, children get sick and there will be occasions when your child is too poorly to come into school. To guard against truancy we presume all absence is unauthorised until a valid reason is given by a parent or carer. Should your child’s absence become more persistent however, it is important to discuss this with the school to see if there are other barriers to their attendance.
Academic studies have shown a direct link between attendance and progress towards GCSE grades. 19 days of school missed per year (attendance of 90%) equals one GCSE grade dropped on average.
By law, all children must attend the school they are registered at regularly. We view attendance above 99% as excellent; above 97% as good; and above 95% as satisfactory meeting our minimum expectations. Attendance below 95% is concerning; below 92% considered poor; and should attendance fall to 90% or below a student is considered a ‘persistent absentee’ (PA). The school is required to report all students who don't attend regularly to the Local Authority. Should your child’s attendance fall to 92% or below we will invite you in to discuss the reasons and provide support if necessary to overcome any barriers to attendance using an Attendance Improvement Tool (AIT).
Should there not be a good reason for continued low attendance at school we are required to work with the Local Authority, initially holding an Attendance Improvement Meeting, to explore why the support put in place by the AIT is not working. Ultimately the Local Authority could proceed towards legal action, should the situation not improve.
There are a few ways in which you can help support your child’s attendance:
Reporting Absence
DFE Guide for Parents