
Farmor’s School has a rewards system that recognises and reinforces good behaviour to encourage and reward students who apply themselves and behave in a commendable way. 

Rewards are central to the schools’ ethos of providing an environment within which children and adults can develop good relationships, showing care, respect and consideration for each other within the school community.

  • Merits are given by class teachers as recognition of good effort in class, collaboration in a team or for excellent homework.  
  • Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates are awarded by Heads of Year in assemblies for persistent good effort in class 
  • Department postcards are issued by staff for exceptional effort in class
  • Activities trips are offered in the summer term for students who regularly show good attitude to their studies

Year 10 students are invited to apply to be prefects in Term 3.  For many this is seen as a reward for their hard work and good behaviour in lower school.