Signposts to external agencies

Where can I go for support?

There are many charities and agencies which can offer parents and young people help and advice. We have complied a summary of some of these, which you can download below.

Where to go for help and advice

Early help

Early help is about children, young people and families getting the right help at the right time, before issues get worse.

All children receive support. However, some children will need extra support to be healthy, safe and to achieve their potential. This support is known as the 'Early help' offer. We have systems and procedures in place which support safeguarding, enable us to identify quickly those in need of extra help or at risk and to ensure that problems do not escalate or intensify.

For further details, please see the school offer of ‘Early Help’ which is downloadable below.

Early Help Offer

Early Help Coordinator

When families (and professionals who are helping them) need more support, this can be requested from Early Help Partnerships. There are six Early Help Partnerships across Gloucestershire and each has a fortnightly Allocations Group. These are made up of representatives of services who decide the help that's needed and offer advice, guidance and support to practitioners. These groups are supported by Families First Plus teams in each District. To access support, a Request for Support form needs to be completed along with a Consent form from the family and sent to the locality Families First Plus inbox


The internet is a great resource. However, it also presents risks to young people and it is important to take steps to protect children on,ine, and to give them the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and make good decisions.

There are a variety of agencies who provide advice and support in this area:

Think You Know?

Think You Know? aims to protect children from abuse online.

UK Safer Internet Centre

A parents' guide to technology.

How to monitor your child's internet activityThis app has been designed to help parents monitor their child's online activity.