If your child is going to be absent, please call Student Services before 8.45am. Call the school number 01285 712302 and choose option 2. If nobody is available to take your call you can leave a message. Please ensure you provide your child’s name, tutor group and the reason for the absence.
If you’d prefer to speak to someone, please leave a contact number so somebody can call you back. Unless previously agreed you must call in before 8.45am on each day of your child’s absence. Alternatively you can email admin@farmors.gloucs.sch.uk
Please read the guidance below if you are unsure of how long you child must be kept off school for. Please can we draw particular attention to the advice provided by the Public Health Agency which states that students must be off for 48 hours from their last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
Many of the pupils in our care are members of families where parents have separated before they came to the school and many other pupils go through changes in family circumstances during their time at Farmor’s School. We aim to support families wherever we can with the issues that a separation may bring.
We wish to ensure the school continues to work with families and fully involve all those with parental responsibility in the life of the school, in the best interests of the child, after parents separate.
We will remain neutral in difficult family circumstances. All children’s welfare and well-being is central to all we do and if we have any such concerns about a child we will involve all adults with parental responsibility.
This protocol is an attempt to clarify to all parties what is expected from separated parents and what can be expected from the school/staff.
Separated Parents Protocol
If your concern relates to one subject then always speak to or email the relevant teacher first. Most concerns can be addressed quickly by the class teacher. If you do not receive a satisfactory response you may consider contacting the Head of Department.
If your concern is in relation to progress in more than one subject then speak to or email your child’s tutor in the first instance. If the concern persists, or where the concerns are serious, please contact the Head of Year.
Contact information
We do not tolerate bullying in any form. If you suspect that your child is being bullied, or knows someone who is being bullied, please contact the tutor in the first instance. Further information can be found here.
Anti-bullying information
We want to know about any concerns you have, no matter how small, when it comes to safeguarding children. This includes information about a child’s safety or wellbeing outside of school. By letting us know, we are able to look after children at the school better. You can communicate any safeguarding concerns to any member of staff at the school. Your child’s Head of Year would be the most obvious person.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Noelle Sturla (Assistant Head). Our Deputy DSL is Sarah Dawson (Head of Year). You may contact either directly if you prefer, or if the matter is serious or urgent.
Safeguarding information
Your child may be entitled to Free School Meals (FSM). Registering for FSM will benefit your child and the school as we receive additional finance to support your child. We have a cashless catering system so children do not need to be concerned about any stigma attached to claiming free meals.
We also have a variety of trust funds available to support families in affording uniform, equipment and school trips. Further information can be found here.
Accessing financial support
For any planned absence, please contact our Attendance Office, Fiona Jesson, by email (fjesson@farmors.gloucs.sch.uk). Further information can be found here.
Requesting absence from school
Parents can support the school in the following ways:
If you are able to offer your time or help to the school please email admin@farmors.gloucs.sch.uk in the first instance.
Parents have the right to apply for a place at any secondary school. We do not remove a child from our roll until a place at a new school has been confirmed. If you are considering removing your child from our school, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can support this move. Please contact the Headteachers' PA, Amanda Sampson via asampson@farmors.gloucs.sch.uk.
We will always try to resolve any concerns informally in the first instance. Please contact the relevant member of staff if you have a complaint and ask for a meeting to discuss your concerns.
If you remain unsatisfied with the response you have received, please speak to the line manager of the member of staff you have been talking to. For teachers, this will be the Head of Department. For tutors, this will be the Head of Year. We will be able to advise you about who would be best placed to address your concern; please call our main reception.
For serious or persistent matters, please address a formal complaint in writing to the Headteacher, Mr Evans.
All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with our Complaints Policy.
School Policies